Electrical Advice | North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical

Electrical Advice

North Lakes and Surrounds Electrical Vans
Electrical Advice
September 9, 2022

Improve Your Home Office Lighting

5 Tips to Improve Your Home Office Lighting While not much can be done about the lighting in your office building, creating a functional and well-lit workspace for your home office is another matter. For anyone still working from home or even just using an office for personal accounting and other matters,…
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North Lakes Electrical team member smiling
Electrical Advice
July 20, 2022

Electrical Safety Switches

Electrical Safety Switches In Queensland, safety switches are mandatory on power circuits in new homes, rentals, and older homes as they're sold but this doesn’t mean you can’t upgrade sooner and get new or additional switches installed. At North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical, we recommend a safety switch for each circuit that…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical team
Electrical Advice
June 10, 2022

Extension Cord Safety

Extension Cord Safety Extension cords are a common and convenient way to bring power to electrical devices but you need to exercise caution when using them. More than 3,000 home fires originate from improper use of extension cords each year. If you need to use an extension cord as a temporary solution…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical | Servicing Moreton Bay Region
Electrical Advice
May 12, 2022

Reasons to Install LED Lights in Your Home

10 Reasons to Install LED Lights in Your Home Although they’ve been around since the 60s, light emitting diodes (LEDs) didn’t gain popularity until the late 2000s. Since then, they kicked off with more and more homes, businesses, school and hospitals are opting for LED lighting. Due to this, we’ve seen the…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical | Commercial Services
Electrical Advice
April 28, 2022

Signs its Time to Upgrade Your Switchboard

Signs to look out for when it comes to your Switchboard The switchboard is the central control point for all electricity flowing into your home. It’s the first port of call whenever the house goes dark and the key to keeping everyone in your home safe from electrocution and house fire because…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical FAQ's
Electrical Advice
April 12, 2022

Electrician Near Me

How to Find a Good Electrician near Me Nowadays, there are many different types of electricians: electricians for commercial and industrial businesses, electricians for residential needs, and then the good old jack of all trades handyman electrician. Needless to say, when you hire an electrician, you want to make sure they are…
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smoke alarm electrician
Electrical Advice
March 27, 2022

Maintaining Your Smoke Alarms

How to maintain & replace smoke alarms Although we’d all like to think that a house fire would never be something that will happen to us, it’s important to be prepared just in case. Smoke alarms are one of the best safety devices you can have in your home and they are…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical Contact Us
Electrical Advice
February 7, 2022

Childproofing Electrical Outlets

How To: Childproofing Electrical Outlets A new baby in the home is sure to bring lots of joy, but they can definitely get themselves into mischief when they start crawling and moving around – and believe us, as a family-owned business, we know there is more to preparing your home for a…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical | Servicing Moreton Bay Region
Electrical Advice
November 15, 2021

When To Call An Electrician

5 Signs You Need to Call an Electrician From DIY work that didn’t turn out according to plan to simply living in an older, less electrically-adequate home, there’s plenty of reasons you might need to call an electrician. However, there are some issues that occur around the home that we may not…
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North Lakes & Surrounds Electrical Services
Electrical AdviceElectrical Safety
October 22, 2021

5 Ways to Prevent Electrical Hazards

5 Ways to Prevent Electrical Hazards at Home Electricity in the home has become so much a part of our everyday lives that we often forget how much of a danger it can cause. As such, it’s time to refresh your memory on how to prevent electrical hazards at home and tidy…
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